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Deel Community Meet & Greet


👋 Hi Deel Community friends, 

My name is Cassy and I'm one of the Community Managers here at Deel. We're so thrilled that you're joining us in this dedicated space for members to ask questions, learn, and connect with other remote workers worldwide! 

To get us started, introduce yourself to the rest of the community by telling us a bit about yourself:

  • What's your name? 
  • What country/city do you work in?
  • What are some of your favorite hobbies when you're off the clock?

Feel free to add any other interesting details you'd like to share, like your favorite destination for a holiday, or a fun picture with a pet if you have one!

We can't wait to learn more from everyone, and we’re looking forward to building an incredible community with you.

151 REPLIES 151


Olá everyone! Love the idea.

Here are my 2 cents:

I'm Enio, Fulfillment Expert at OnFrontiers - a global marketplace for experts in pretty much anything. I work remotely from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for almost 6 years now -  or 3 years b.p (before the pandemic).

Outside working hours I love being outdoors, including playing sports, hiking, or walking with my dog.

Fun fact: Marvin (the dog) and I also share a fear of thunder and storms in general 😮 


Um abraço,



I think I'm advocating for B.P. to be a new measurement of time 😂 
Great to meet you Enio @Enio_Borges, and thanks for being a part of our Community. If you haven't already, be sure to join the Brazil Regional Group to meet other remote workers in your area!
Thanks for joining us here 👋
p.s. we're definitely going to need more pics of Marvin 💕


Hey 👋

I'm David and I am a Spanish guy based in Amsterdam right now. I work as a software quality engineer and I enjoy travelling, scuba diving, meeting with friends 🍻 and spending time with my baby boy.

Wishing to increase my network and reach out to others as my closest workmate lives 2000km away 😄 

Welcome welcome @davidz87 ✌️ We're excited to meet you here on the Deel Community, and look forward to learning more about you and your remote work adventures in Amsterdam! Cool to see another diving enthusiast! @Nussbaum77 shared in the thread below that he's done some diving in cenotes!
Great to have you here, 

Weekender II

Hi everyone,

My name is Okiemute, but by I often go by Kheme. I'm a 🇳🇬 Nigeran-based backed (Laravel) software engineer and am currently an engineering manager at Autoche Africa. Outside work, you can often find me at home listening to music, blogging, or gaming. At other times out hanging out with friends.

It is great to be a part of this community, and I look forward to connecting with amazing people here 🙂

So great to meet you, @kheme! Welcome to the Deel Community 👋 Also, thanks for sharing two great playlists; the "work music" one has some choice tunes 👌

Hey Kheme, great to connect with you here! I'm from Delta! 😀

What city do you work from? There's also a Nigerian group for you to join if you haven't already Nigeria Group - Deel Community hopefully we can have a meet-up soon. 



I am glad to be here. I recently contracted as a prop trader, and love helping anyone interested in learning, and most importantly, how to lose properly and professionally, by managing risk. 

Personally, now that I work from home, I am learning how to cook, and I am loving it! I also enjoy creating music on the Keyboard. You can catch me at the gym, to relieve some of that stress from trading, but AlgoBoxPro tools, give me the edge, and peace of mind I need. I look forward to working with, and meeting community members. There is no reason why we all cannot succeed, especially when we share information and financial support, when able. I hope you have a great day, and remember this is the Real Deel!!

Freedom Time

Welcome to the Deel Community @PY_AlgoBoxPro. Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself and your professional background. Love to hear that working remotely/from home has allowed you the opportunity to cook more! Any new dishes/cuisines you're particularly fond of cooking these days? 


Hey everyone👋

I'm Dmytro, a college dropout and startup founder from 🇺🇦Ukraine. Currently in 🇺🇸SF - hmu if you're here and up for a chat!

I'm a long-time volunteer, big slow fashion fan, and I study team rituals. Not sure what else to share - so I figured I'd share a picture of my breakfast because boy isn't it gorgeous! 




Nice to meet you @dk !

Nice to see that the recent California rains ain't damping your mood. 😄 Forgive my ignorance but what is slow fashion?

Hi @dk, nice to see Ukrainian here, I'm from Ukraine as well and would be glad to connect and stay in touch:

Drop me a message if you have a minute. I'd be happy to hear about your startup and chat for a bit.




Hello everyone! Umair here from Pakistan, working as a Chief Data Scientist remotely for my employers in NJ, US.

When not at work I spend time in snorkelling and free diving, shooting, and playing StarCraft.
Have been planning to finally venture out of my country and travel around a bit in a couple of months.

Just joined this community and loving it!

Welcome to the community @umair_rafique 

What do you play in Starcraft? I'm a Terran guy myself.

Terran all the way! xD

Weekender II

Hello everyone I am Prudence Hinds all the way from South America, Guyana. 
I am a Business Development Manager and Entrepreneur. When I am off the clock I enjoy working out, taking long walks and networking. 


welcome to the Deel Community @Prudie2023! Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm looking forward to more long walks and sunlight We're excited for you to be able to network with lots of other remote workers from across the globe on this platform!

Weekender II

Hi everyone!

I am Sara, I live in Dubai, UAE. 

Just joined Deel Community, and It's been 8 months since i was hired for a remote job through Deel.

Deel is definitely great and responsive. 

I am a nerd. I collect action figures. I have a very huge collection by now. I like watching anime's, movies, cartoons, read comics got the idea:) 

Welcome @SaraK ! It's great to have you a part of the Deel Community, and thanks for the kind words 🙂 We're excited to learn from your experiences as a remote worker throughout different community threads. 

Do you surround your workstation space with action figures? Any particular anime/cartoons/comics that you're into lately? I can't stop binging SpyxFamily right now; it's just so cute 😍

Thank you Cassy:)

And yes SpyxFamily is soo good, and Anya is so adorable. I have seen first season. I was catching up with Attack on Titan latest episode. And i used to keep


on my work station but i have a cat who knocks down everything 🙀 hehe so i keep them in a shelf:)here’s one pic of my Miku


I have nothing to contribute but this excellent video of an adorable older gentleman advertising a Dominos Pizza and Hatsuni Miku collab.


Hi everyone I'm new here and need to learn a lot of things..Funded trader and still growing😃

Welcome to the Deel Community @Hilmi78, you've come to a great place to learn from others! Anything in particular you're excited to learn more about? 


🌟 As a seasoned CTO/Architect/Team lead/Web developer with over a decade of experience in software development, I'm eager to connect with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts on this platform. My journey has led me to work on diverse projects, from startup PoCs to complex enterprise systems, and I'm excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you all. 🌟

🔗 Connect with me on LinkedIn:

🔥 My expertise ranges from migrating legacy systems to implementing digital financial processes, supporting international expansion, and even establishing a 3rd line support department for a top UK ticket distributor. Apart from the technical side, I'm passionate about people and project management, with experience handling teams of hundreds and contributing to product development and strategic planning. 🔥

🌱 When I'm not immersed in the world of IT, I enjoy exploring people's psychology, playing the piano, practicing yoga, and engaging in street workouts. I'm also a fan of eastern martial arts, fencing, and bow shooting, and I closely follow stock market news and trends. 🌱

🤝 Let's connect and grow together! Whether you're looking for advice, collaboration, or simply a chat about tech and life, I'm always open to making new connections. Don't hesitate to reach out, and let's see how we can help each other succeed! 🤝

Hi @SerhiiHupa, nice to meet you and thanks for sharing more about your professional and personal background (your activities and interests are all so active – I have always wanted to try fencing, personally!). 
It's great to hear that you have an interest in both people psychology and project management/career growth. If you have any books that has helped jumpstart your knowledge in the field, or has been thought-provoking to the way you navigate work in tech, feel free to share your favorites in this thread! 

Weekender II

Hey everyone!

I'm Vinicius, Software Engineer heavily focused on PHP 🐘.
I'm from Petrópolis - RJ, Brazil, born and raised. 


I am a former dance instructor. I used to dance Brazilian dances like Samba, Forró, etc. I also took some pole dancing classes. Nowadays, I train boxing to keep active.

Welcome, welcome Vinicius @cviniciussdias, great to have you a part of our Deel Community! Really neat that you used to teach dance – I've seen a few samba competitions and it's not just mesmerizing to watch, but seems like a great core work 💪 I bet that lends to your boxing too! Be sure to also check out the Brazil Group Hub to meet others that are in your area to network with. 

Weekender II

hey cassy

Is there any group as well where we can interact with the community as well.

just to socialize.

Hi @baig052

This is an excellent question, thank you so much for asking it. At this time, we only have Regional groups for people to connect on a local level. However, since our Community platform is still a budding space, we're always open to exploring new ways to bring connection and networking to our global members! If there are specific interest groups you'd like to see here, please feel free to private message me your ideas. 

Weekender II

Hi! I'm Marina from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I live here and work from home most of the time. Commuting in Buenos Aires can be quite a nightmare, so working from home has significantly improved my day-to-day life. Occasionally, I visit my sister in Tandil, a smaller and beautiful city located 350 kilometers from Buenos Aires. It's quite comforting because the city is surrounded by hills, so the views are breathtaking.

Here are some pictures:
Buenos Aires at duskBuenos Aires at dusk


Tandil and its roadsTandil and its roads


Happy to be here and looking forward to connecting!


Hi @Maru

Thanks so much for sharing some beautifuk photos of Buenos Aires and Tandil! Both look like absolutely stunning places to be, and it's great that you're able to work from the hustle and bustle of a city, or in a place that seems more serene and nature-oriented.

If you haven't already checked it out, we have a Regional Hub page for Argentina where you can connect with other members in your area, and we''re also hosting a meetup in Buenos Aires at the end of the month. Hope we're able to see you there, and thanks for joining us as a Deel Community Member!



Hi everyone!

I'm Tine from Manila, Philippines. I work for a US-based trademark boutique. I'm thrilled to join this community of remote workers.

In my free time, I do a lot of cooking. I like going to different cafes & restos too. I actually made a separate Instagram account just to feature the food I make and post some of resto food & bev.

I'm also taking my MBA (online) during weekends. 

Happy to connect with y'all!

Nice to meet you @tinesalinas ! I'm Daryl, I'm based in Pasig. Thank you for being a part of our community. 🙂 Why don't you link to your IG? We'd love to see it and support you. 

Weekender II

What's your name?
Ali Ahad
What country/city do you work in?
What are some of your favorite hobbies when you're off the clock?

Hi @aliahad5 welcome to the Deel Community and thanks so much for introducing yourself to others here. There are also several additional members that are gamers when the work clock is off. Any that you've enjoyed as of late? I've personally been into It Takes Two, a couch co-op, Skyrim, and Stardew Valley (it's just so wholesome!). 

Great to hear that you're in Lahore – our team is looking forward to connecting with members in Pakistan for our June Community Meetup! 

Thanks for joining us here and we look forward to learning more about your remote work experience! 



What's your name?: Xavier Alexandro Díaz.
What country/city do you work in? México City, México.
What are some of your favorite hobbies when you're off the clock? 

I am originally from Cancun, in the Mexican Caribbean. I am very involved in several service clubs and different pro-endowment associations. I love to learn and go to bed every day knowing that I know something new. I gave a TEDx talk a few years ago, among other weird and nerd things. 🙂

It's a pleasure to greet you and be a member of the community!

Deel Team

Nice to have you in the community @XavierAlexandro ! Would love to see your TEDx talk. Please share it here. 🙂 


Hello everyone! Nice to meet you

I'm Georges from Lebanon, Middle East, I recently joined Deel. For the last 13 years I've been working as a sales and supply chain coordinator.

On free time, I'm a scout leader I like camping, hiking and exploring new places.

The below pictures are in Afqa, Lebanon



Happy to connect if you are in town. 

Hi @Georgeskhoury86

Apologies that this is such a delayed welcome, but we're so excited to have you join us in the Deel Community. The photo of the Afqa grotto and waterfall is absolutely stunning! It's awesome to learn more about what you do for a profession (13 years in sales/supply chain!), but also what you're most passionate about.

Have you traveled or hiked this year? If you have any incredible spots to share, we'd love to see photos from your explorations here

Let us know if you have any questions about the Community platform, and welcome again! 

Weekender II

Hi All, I am glad to be here, Thanks for welcoming me ! I am a Caribbean guy. I live in Martinique. I am a tutor, a tour guide and a writer, and I wish to share with you what's cooking on my side : I am taking on exploring the Deep South of my island, revisiting the places that are depicted in my novel "An Endless Quest for Love". There will be tours and lunch by the seaside, tropical drinks and creole cuisine, swimming in the Caribbean sea and in tropical forest rivers .. in one word there will be lots of fun .. And my novel is included as a bonanza .. It's in November (you've got time to prepare😉) and the adventure is entitled 

Martinique in the Caribbean 🏝️: An Endless Quest for Love, Immersive Trip in the Deep South

Would you join me ?In Le Robert Bay.jpg

Hi @Jacques_PhAnton

What a stunning photo of Martinique by boat! It seems like a beautiful and dreamy island (as far as I can tell from the jaw-dropping Google photos!). 

Welcome to the Deel Community, and thanks for sharing more abut your exciting new novel – how can one go wrong with swimming in the Caribbean sea, seaside luncheons, and tropical drinks on the agenda!?

We're excited to learn more about you and how Deel has impacted you as a tutor (feel free to share your story if you're interested!), but I'm especially curious about the interesting things you've seen as a tour guide! I know you already shared a photo of a rhum distillery in Martinique, but if you have a photo of your own favorite adventure spot, feel free to share it on this post!

Cheers and welcome again to the Deel Community! 


Hey 🖐

I'm Wessling and based in Guatemala. Currently, I work as a Director of Sales Ops. I truly enjoy traveling, a good cup of coffee, adventure, and nature. Oh, and I speak Spanish and English.

Happy to connect with anyone on this network!

Hi @Wessling

It's great to meet you and welcome to the Deel Community! Thanks for telling us a little more about you and your role as a Director of Sales Ops. We're also big fans of a good travel adventure with a cup of coffee in tow. If you've had the chance to go on a fun adventure, feel free to share a photo of it and tell us more in this post! 

Thanks for joining us here, 

Weekender II

Hi Everyone and @CassyL ,

My name is Cenk Tukel and I am the founder and CEO of Tukel, Inc. Accounting where we support U.S. SMB's, startups and entrepreneurs with our bookkeeping, accounting, payroll, tax and advisory services. Many of Deel users are our clients 🙂 and we use Deel for our own team - 100%.

We are so happy to be part of Deel and this great community.

Though I am based in Istanbul (great city to live and enjoy), all our business is with U.S. companies, mostly founded by non-U.S. founders.

I love sailing and skiing... Our cats (we have adapted 2 street cats) are lovely but not enjoying the boat that much, no wonder cats dont like water 🙂 Something I haver to sort out when we go longer trips.

I love to add as much value to the community as I can and everyone, please feel free to write any questions you may have and tag me.

Wish you all the best of growth.


Hi @CenkTukel

Welcome to the Deel Community, and thanks for being a valued Deel partner. It's great to see our partners chime in on our Community discussions to provide their own experiences and additional insight. Thanks so much for sharing more about you and your interests, including your sailing adventures with two adopted kitties! That seems like it would make for wholesome social media content 🐈 Have you had the chance to sail to a new place this year? If so, we'd love to hear more about it in this Community post. It's been really neat to see where folks have explored so far, and to learn about their favorite spots across the country. 

Thanks again for being a part of our Deel Community,

Weekender II

Hi everyone!

Mi name is María Romero. I'm venezuelan 🇻🇪 currently working in Perú from a US company as Accounting and Executive Assistant. This is my thrid month working with Deel and i think that is a great platform and community.

When i'm not working, i like to go out and exercise running or doing indor cycling.

I also enjoy going out to eat, since here in Peru the food is delicious.


Hi @MariaDlou

Thanks for being a Deel user over the last three months, and for joining our digital Community platform! Awesome to hear that you're based out in Peru – there must be such beautiful and stunning sights to see, what with being so close to the Amazon rainforest and against the coast. We can't wait to learn more about you and your interests, and to hear your tips for working remotely. 

If you're interested in exercise/fitness, you might want to check out some of our Community social events, like our Virtual Yoga Extravaganza

Thanks again, 

Of course!

Here I show you some photos so you can also see everything.

I'll check the Virtual Yoga Extravaganza, thank you!!💕



Hello friends, my name is Ken. I found this community via LinkedIn.

Native San Franciscan here. I went to school all over San Francisco so I know this city like the back of my hand.

My parents were from Hong Kong and Guangdong, China. I was born in the USA! I can speak conversational Cantonese and Mandarin moderately.

I have lived in San Francisco, Rancho Cordova, El Dorado Hills, and Sacramento. I worked remotely in San Francisco and Merced as a Wealth Management Operations Specialist at a major American bank. I went on a medical leave and am now looking for my next career adventure here on Deel.

My favorite hobbies are driving my Fiat Abarth on open roads and listening to EDM. I love positive energy and emotions because life is tough, guys! We need to relax sometimes.

On the High5 Exam, I am a deliverer and storyteller and on the MarcusBuckingham exam, I am a teacher and connector of people.

I made good on my promises and could tell unforgettable stories in Ukraine and my time stuck in the airport in Istanbul, Turkey.

My favorite destinations for travel are still Ukraine and Russia. I would love to visit Malta and South Korea.

My belief is: You can find GREATNESS AND GOODNESS in most people if you try to draw it out of them.