Join us for our third Deel Meetups in Buenos Aires – a great opportunity to meet the Deel team and members of our remote workers community!
We promise you three things:
We look forward to seeing you on April 26 starting 19:30 h.
Where: La Calle Bar 2, Gurruchaga 732, C1414 CABA.
Register now!
Can't wait to network? Make sure to join the Argentina Group hub to continue connecting with other remote workers in your area.
(If you know someone who works remotely like you and you want to extend the invitation, you can do it!)
Hi there, my team and I are planning to go and we are wondering if there are menus that are suitable for people suffering from gluten intolerance (celiacs). Thanks!
hi @johipirrello, we're so excited that you and other team members will be able to join us in Buenos Aires for our Deel Meetup 🎉 Fear not, we will be serving up gluten free and other options to accommodate preferences/restrictions 🍕🍻!
Thanks so much for asking and we look forward to seeing you then!
Same here!
A vegan option would be great, at least a pizza without cheese 🙂
Totally understand @LuchoMck! I've communicated this to our team, and we'll do our best to ask the venue to cater for our members' needs as much as possible. We're excited to have you join tomorrow 🙌
Hi @GoodLuc,
While that is a picture of a VERY cute pupper, we certainly don't want any kitchen staff giving you those puppy eyes! Sorry that happened to you at our last event. I've connected with my team to see about accommodating a variety of food allergies and aversions to the best of our ability.
Thanks for sharing, and you're always welcome to keep the doggo pics coming!
Hi @Tysis,
You're welcome to bring a +1 to the event if they're also someone that works as a contractor or a remote worker! Given that this meetup is a way for Deel to host a dedicated event for contractors to network and connect with other remote workers using Deel, our invites are extended to those that are a contractors/remote worker.
Let us know if you have any additional questions!
Question: what time does the meetup start?
In the invitation it says at 3:00 PM and in the description it says that it starts at 19:30 h.
Thank you
Hi @Joseangelsi ,
The time is indeed 19:30 h (GMT -3). The discrepancy might be because of your current time settings. You can check out your settings in your profile page or click this link that will bring you directly there. Let me know if I can help clarify anything else. 🙂
Ola @charlyx , ¡Disfruta del encuentro!
Hi there!
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to share the invitation with remote workers who are not using Deel at the moment? If so, how can I do that?
Looking forward to meeting you all tonight 🙂
Hola @chechusande , tal como esta indicado en los posteos anteriores, podes extender la invitación con gente que no este usando Deel. Tan solo pasale los datos referentes a la dirección, horario, etc. No hay nada mas que hacer :D...