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What are you currently reading?

Deel Team

For me, there’s nothing better than snuggling under a fluffy blanket, hot cup of tea at the ready, with a good book in hand – it’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day. One of my 2024 bucket list items is to read 35 books, and while I might’ve been a bit overly ambitious in setting this goal, I’m up for the challenge!

I’m looking to add to my reading list this year and would love your recommendations! Whether it’s a well-loved classic, a recent find at your local bookstore, or an audiobook you just can’t put down, I’m excited to hear what your current read is. 

I’ve just started Beartown by Fredrik Backman, which follows several families living in a small Swedish community whose lives revolve around the town's declining hockey team. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far, I’m loving it (and have cried more than once). 
