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Facturación para mi cliente


Buen día compañeros:

Mi duda es acerca de la generación de facturas para que me hagan mi primer pago. Puntualmente, yo estoy en México y mi cliente es de EU, me pidieron que les mande mi factura para que generen mi pago pero no me dieron mayores instrucciones, entonces yo entiendo que tengo que generar mi factura oficial por medio del SAT acá en México, la duda es, esta factura lleva los datos fiscales de Deel? o va a nombre de la empresa de mi cliente?

Si hay acá algún compañero de México que ya haya generado facturas para alguien en el extranjero ojalá me pueda ayudar con estas dudas. Muchas gracias.



Hi @jonasexpresso81

Thanks so much for your patience while we looked into the requirements for taxes on your clients invoice. You are actually able to generate an invoice using Deel's Invoice Generator tool, which makes it incredibly easy and efficient to bill your clients for your time and work.

Depending on your contract type, you have different options for using Deel's Invoice Generator, or uploading your own invoice. You can learn more about the different contract types, and whether you have the option to automatically create an invoice or upload your own, here

Additionally, if you need further Tax Advice, we have a new Tax Advice feature that Contractors can request if they reside in select countries, including Mexico! You can learn more about Deel Tax Advice here. 

Lastly, @Zevahc shared this Community question previously, which asked about how to declare income before the SAT. It may also be useful to you as you navigate creating your invoices and declaring taxes.

Thanks so much and hope this points you in the right direction! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions. 